The last month or so for me has been quite successful in my female endeavors since I've actually been able to check two items off of my crossdressing bucket list during that span. A few weeks ago I was finally able to go shopping on Black Friday dressed as a girl, and today I checked off yet another item as I was finally able to go skiing as a girl!

I haven't been a skier all of my life and only really started once my children were old enough to where we could go as a family. Skiing is the perfect activity for a guy to wear pantyhose in order to stay warm, and so I reveled each chance I got to go skiing because I knew it meant shaving my legs in the morning and then wearing panties and pantyhose beneath my ski pants and clothes for the rest of the day. My skiing experience was further enhanced when my wife actually bought me ski pants from the women's section after finding them on sale at an unbeatable price.

Being able to dress from the neck down in female attire as I skied was just a bonus, but I always longed to be able to go skiing completely en femme. I'm not sure what the attraction was to that since passing as a female skier isn't that difficult, but I suppose it was just one more area where I wanted to know what it was like to experience every day occurrences as a girl.

I first hatched the plan to go skiing en femme over the Thanksgiving holiday when I noticed that one of my favorite resorts was offering the promotion of a full day pass for just $20 if you brought a toy to donate to the Toys For Tots program. The promotion was for a Wednesday in December, and I figured that Wednesdays are probably the least crowded day of the week at the resort. I wasn't necessarily worried about crowds of people; rather, I really didn't want to have to ride the lift with someone who was overly talkative in fear that my voice would give me away. So with that fear eliminated (or so I thought), I just couldn't pass up the $20 price tag because I wouldn't even have to spend the whole day on the slopes in order to get my money's worth. The more I thought about it, the more I determined that this would be the perfect time for me to go skiing as a girl, and so I set my plan in motion.

Previously, I blogged about my week during the Thanksgiving holiday when my wife was away and I stayed at home to be with the kids. During that time, I talked about visiting Walgreen's on Thanksgiving evening to pick up some Christmas lights and a present that one of my children wanted that happened to be featured in the Walgreen's Thanksgiving ad. What I didn't mention was my purchasing an additional toy that night, which I intended to donate to Toys for Tots so I could go skiing on this particular day for $20. Having that toy in the trunk of my car for the last few weeks, really helped me stay committed to my plan, especially when I was having feelings of doubt and backing out of the plot all together.

I was anxious leading right up to the night before my skiing adventure, but the girl inside me convinced me to just go for it and hit the slopes completely en femme. I already knew what my outfit would be since I'm usually dressed as a girl when I go skiing from the neck down anyway. The only item that I don't wear as a guy when I go skiing is a bra, and I have plenty of practice wearing those anyway, so it wouldn't be a big deal at all. :-) As for my outfit, I decided to wear a skin tight turtle neck in a plum color that is designed to keep in my body heat, and it's the same top that I paired with my ski pants in previous pictures when I talked about wearing unisex clothing. The best bra to wear beneath this top is actually a beige color, and so I paired that beige bra with a pair of Vanity Fair panties in a pretty coral color.

Depending on the temperature at the ski resort, I will either wear thick tights or a simple pair of pantyhose, and the forecast for today called for overnight lows around 28 degrees Fahrenheit and highs in the mid-thirties. That's definitely pantyhose weather, and so I completed my undergarments with a pair of L'eggs support pantyhose in a taupe shade. Because my ski pants are so toasty, I left them on the bed and did my hair and makeup just wearing the plum top with my taupe nylons covering my lower half. I kind of wondered about how precise I should do my eye makeup because I would be wearing ski goggles most of the time, but there were still those situations where my face would be exposed like trading in the toy and purchasing my ticket.

My makeup and hair went smoothly, and I was ready to leave the house by about 8:45 AM. The drive to this particular ski resort takes about 50 minutes, and I thought that arriving there by 10 AM would be just fine. I actually only took four hours off of work today, and so I wanted to get in about two full hours of skiing before driving back down to the valley, transforming back into drab, and then heading into work that afternoon. As I headed to the ski resort, I of course clicked away with my camera from the dashboard hoping that the pics would properly capture my figure with this skin tight top over the perfect bra. Needless to say, I was pleased with the results.

The weather today was actually rain in the valleys and snow in the mountains, but I actually saw weather reports from the ski resorts that said there could be light rain on the mountain. That would have been just miserable, and so I carefully watched the thermometer in my car as I climbed the mountain just praying that it would fall beneath 32 degrees so I wouldn't have to ski in the rain. With about 1,000 feet left to climb, the rain finally turned to snow, and so I was grateful for the chill in the air. The forecast was for showers off and on all morning, and I definitely ran into patches of storm and patches of clear weather throughout the day. All was going well up to this point until I finally turned around the bend the leads into the ski resort parking lot, and to my anxious surprise, the lot was nearly full!!

I couldn't believe there were so many people skiing this early in the year on a Wednesday, but I think it was the forecast of snow on this particular day that brought so many people to the slopes. When there are a lot of cars parking in the resort, there is always staff on hand directing the parking, and so I followed the directions of the guys directing traffic until I was safely in my own parking spot. I sat in my car for just a few minutes having second thoughts due to the crowds, but I had come this far and just couldn't turn back.

The first order of business was to purchase my ticket, and so after snapping a quick picture from the parking lot holding the toy, I grabbed my red wallet and headed for the ticket window. As I got close, someone directed me over to a table set up near the main entrance where they were accepting toys in exchange for a ticket that I would then present at the ticket window in order to give me my discount. The area was just crawling with people but I was committed, and so as someone said, "Over here ma'am," I headed in the direction of the donation table. As I got closer, I noticed that there was a guy there dressed as Santa Claus ringing his bells as he tried to attract attention to the donation table. If I had really been on my toes, I would have taken a selfie with Santa, but I didn't have my cell phone with me darn it.

I was able to exchange the gift for the promotional ticket with no issues, and everyone called me ma'am along the way, which really made me feel good, and so the final task before hiding beneath the security of my ski outfit and goggles was actually purchasing the lift pass from the ticket window. All of the windows were open, so I chose one on the end that only had one person in line ahead of me. The place was really bustling, and I don't think that anyone really had the time to just stop and observe people, and so I didn't notice any strange looks or anything that made me uncomfortable. When it was my turn at the window, I offered my discount ticket and said that I had donated a toy, and the lady on the other hand told me my total would be $20. She didn't have a clue as I handed her two $10 bills in exchange for my day pass. She also passed through the window a map of the resort and explained to me that I needed to keep my lift pass in a safe place away from my cell phone and credit cards. We both said our thank yous, and the hard part of the morning was over!

As I scurried back across the parking lot to my car, I could see quite a large snow storm blowing in, which was fine by me because I love skiing in fresh snow. These storms would blow through the entire morning giving me fresh snow to ski on yet also clearing up just enough at time so I could take some fun pictures. Once I arrived back at my car, I set my camera on the back bumper of the truck parked next to me and took some pictures as I struggled with my ski boots. I put my right boot on first, and then by the time I got to my left boot, you can see that the snow storm had arrived and was showering me with snow flakes. Before I put on my left boot, I tried to take a picture so you could see the nylons I was wearing under my ski pants. As I noted earlier, I was wearing L'eggs Sheer Energy support pantyhose in taupe beneath my ski wear.

After finally stepping into my ski boots and strapping them up, the last pieces of the outfit puzzle were my girl mittens and winter coat. This coat was the same one that I wore out shopping on Thanksgiving evening when I shopped some of the Black Friday sales. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure if the coat was waterproof, and I didn't know if it would be sufficient for the chilly ski slopes, but I figured I would have enough estrogen running through my body (adrenaline is for guys, silly) that it would keep me warm enough regardless. With my boots, coat, and ski goggles firmly in place, I slipped my day pass into these mall pocket on the back of my left glove, and I was ready!

I carried my skis up to the closest lift and stepped into them with enough distance between me and the entrance through the gate to where I could time it so chances were best that I'd ride the lift alone. I think I would have been okay riding with someone else, but I was still a bit nervous, and I also wanted to take tons of selfies with my cell phone while riding the ski lift. I waited for a small crowd of people to dissipate and then I pushed my way toward the gate to the lift. I was finally going to ski dressed as a girl!

To my relief, I was able to ride that first lift by myself, and as one of the guys working the lift secured the chair for me, he said, "Have a great day!" I was quite sure I would. :-) As soon as I secured my poles in my lap, I removed one of my gloves and then began taking selfies. Normally, I can't wait for a ride on the lift to end, so I can ski, but it was just exhilarating floating there in the air with the snow falling knowing that I was not only skiing as a girl, but I felt pretty too. I probably took about 20 selfies on that first ride up the lift, and they all turned out really well because there was plenty of natural light on my face but no direct sunlight. There were a few cute pictures of me trying to fight off the snow flakes from getting into my eyes, and so I'll post one of them here where you can see me squinting due to the falling snow.

As the lift neared the top of the slope, I put my camera away, pulled the goggles down on my face, and readied myself to hit the slopes as a girl. I slid out of my chair to perfection and then headed towards an easy green run for my first attempt. I really enjoy blue runs, and while I have done a few black runs, I'm not that good, so I stayed way far away from difficult runs because I didn't want to perspire this morning. I was totally enjoying the easy runs, but I just had to stop and take a few more pictures right out there at the edge of one of the ski runs. Taking a picture on a slope is sort of difficult because you have to put the camera above you, and then you have to try and stay still while wearing slippery skis on a sheet of snow. I managed, however, and took a few photos, which I thought really turned out well. I wondered what groups skiing past me thought, but I don't think they realized I was actually posing for photos to post to my cross dressing diary. :-)

After the photo session, I enjoyed the rest of my run and then made sure to ski down to a different lift. Not only does this second lift go higher up the mountain, but it passes a pine tree that is absolutely decorated with bras and panties. I guess the tradition goes when a guy skier gets lucky with a girl the night before, he takes either her bra or panties and then throws them from the lift into a pine tree the next morning as sort of a trophy for his accomplishment. I actually considered bringing an older pink bra to throw into a tree, but I'll save that for next time. Anyway, I safely made it onto this second lift and was able to ride alone again, and so I readied my camera to take a picture of the pine tree covered in bras and panties. As I neared the tree, I was a little bit disappointed because all of the snow from the last 30 minutes was covering all of the bras and panties. You couldn't see any of the brighter colors and fun patterns from the lingerie because they were covered in snow, but I did manage a photo where you can at least make out a few bras, and if you look close, you can see a black bra in the lower right section where the cups are catching lots of snow.

After passing the Christmas tree decorated in bras and panties, it was time to get ready to exit the lift and enjoy another run. With lots of pictures now stored in my camera, it was time to just enjoy the slopes for a bout an hour. I did stop here and there at locations where there was a boulder or a tree stump that I could set my camera on to take a few more pictures, but I wanted to make sure I also enjoyed the experience of skiing en femme instead of just focusing on pictures. In all, I rode three different lifts a total of 6 times and thoroughly enjoyed the morning.

I did get off to a late start, and once we hit the noon hour, I needed to exit the slopes and head back down to the valley so I could make it into work the latter half of the day. Once I was outside of the canyon, I drove to a remote area of a shopping center parking lot and began to remove my makeup. When my face was clear, I next removed my breast forms and long hair and then used some water from a water bottle to wet my natural hair down and style it back into my usual style. I would just leave my bra, panties, and pantyhose as is under my clothes for work, and so the final step was to exchange my ski pants for my guy jeans. The reverse transformation took about 10 minutes, and I was on my way into the office. My afternoon was definitely a let-down compared to my morning, but I am ecstatic that I was finally able to go skiing as a girl.