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Banzuke reaction from rookie, Osunaarashi

Oct. 29 - Osunaarashi is grabbing the early banzuke headlines due to his rapid rise to the Makuuchi division. The Egyptian surpassed the likes of Kotooshu (11 basho) and Asashoryu/Baruto (12 basho) in becoming the fastest foreign-born rikishi to reach the division requiring just 10 basho. Flanked by Otake-oyakata, the rookie held a press conference to discuss his achievement. "I'm actually not that thrilled about it. Part of me says it might have been better to take more time. Makuuchi is the highest level, and I have more to learn. Right now I'm about 70% power and 30% technique." His oyakata added that he still fights too upright and pulls too often but was optimistic saying, "He's still got room to grow, and he practices hard. His dream is also to reach the Yokozuna rank." Osunaarashi also indicated that he suffered a left sprained ankle during the exhibitions, but that it was just a light injury. Putting a positive spin on it, he offered, "I hurt hit practicing against a sekitori, and it was good keiko."




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