Sumo News
Sumo Association releases the Hatsu basho
The Sumo Association released the 2015 Hatsu basho banzuke a few days
early to generate sufficient publicity prior to the long
year-end-new-year holiday in Japan. There were few surprises in the new
rankings with the Yokozuna unchanged and Kisenosato moving from West to
East in the upper Ozeki slot. Both Kotoshogiku and Goeido are kadoban
Ozeki this basho, which means that they must win eight bouts or be
demoted from their rank. The Sekiwake rank is unchanged with Aoiyama and
Ichinojo who both managed eight wins in November while Takayasu and
Tochiohzan assume the Komusubi rank.
No rookies were announced for the Hatsu basho while former Makuuchi
rikishi Tokitenku, Sadanofuji, Kagamioh, and Tosayutaka all make their
returns to the division. Tosayutaka, who fell down as far as the
Sandanme 84 rank following a knee injury sustained at the 2011 Nagoya
basho, sets the post-war record for steepest fall down the ranks before
making his return to Makuuchi. The Hatsu basho begins January 11th.
Click the following link for
the full Makuuchi banzuke. |