Sumo News
Kakuryu to become sumo's 71st Yokozuna
24 - The Yokozuna Deliberation Council convened today for just 11
minutes where the group unanimously agreed to recommend Ozeki Kakuryu
for promotion to the Yokozuna rank following his 14-1 performance at the
Haru basho, which resulted in his first career yusho. Kakuryu waited
most of Monday for the call which came about 5:50 PM. After being
informed that he would be promoted to the Yokozuna rank, he simply
replied, "Arigatou gozaimasu" with a slight grin on his face.
Kakuryu briefly spoke to reporters after hearing the news saying, "I'm
full of nothing but feelings of gratitude. I'm so thankful to everyone
who has been associated with me."
It was also announced today that Kakuryu would follow in the footsteps
of the previous Yokozuna from his Tokitsukaze Ichimon and perform the
unryu-gata style dohyo-iri meaning he will keep one arm bent inside
at the elbow and the other arm extended outward at an angle pointing
towards the dohyo. It is also being reported that Takanohana-oyakata
will help Kakuryu practice the new dohyo-iri. (continued
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