Sumo News
Former Ozeki Kotooshu retires
20 - Former Ozeki Kotooshu announced his retirement from the Sumo
Association as an active rikishi today. Plagued by injuries in recent
years, the current Sekiwake began the tournament 1-9 before withdrawing
citing a re-injury of his shoulder dislocated at last year's Kyushu
basho. "My body is too broken down for me to do the kind of sumo I want
to," he began at a press conference flanked by his stable master,
Sadogatake-oyakata. "I felt that my time was done after being thrown by
Hakuho on day 10," he explained. The former Ozeki said he talked to his
stable master that evening about his decision and said that he had no
regrets. Regarding Hakuho as his final opponent, he said, "We rose up
the ranks together and practiced seemingly every day. I'm really happy
that my last bout was against Hakuho-zeki."
When asked what his greatest memory was, he quickly singled out the 2008
Natsu basho where he won his only career yusho. "My father came from
Bulgaria, and of course my stable master and the kamisan were there, so
it was neat to yusho in front of all my parents." Kotooshu fought 57
basho in the Makuuchi division finishing with a 466-322 record with 63
kyujo bouts. Former Ozeki are allowed to remain with the Sumo
Association for three years under their fighting name, so Kotooshu will
remain with his current stable as Kotooshu-oyakata. |