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Mike Wesemann


Hatsu Post Basho Comments

Jan. 27 - I obviously took a lot of days off this basho, and by the time I chimed in at the end of Day 3, I stated that my feeling after watching Day 1 was that Hoshoryu was going to take the yusho. It just felt as if this was a basho where they needed a legitimate yusho, and after Terunofuji threw a few early bouts, the next logical choice was Hoshoryu. Hoshoryu purposefully lost on Day 5 to Atamifuji, which wasn't a surprise, because the two Japanese Ozeki, Kotozakura and Onosato, got out to such horrible starts that it made sense to see Hoshoryu cover for them, but then...

Click here for the rest of Mike's comments >>

Up Next:

The Haru Basho in Osaka starts March 9th


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